Insights on Robert Kiyosaki’s Guide to Investing – Chapter 2


Here do we are again giving a Christmas treat to everyone in the form of sharing my insights, lessons and reactions to Robert Kiyosaki’s Guide to Investment. Going from Chapter 1, I will now proceed to Chapter 2 with the title “Pouring a Foundation of Wealth”

This chapter was relatively short as compared to the earlier chapter but I can tell that there are some things hidden on the chapter that I have also experienced. The author stay up awake until dawn after realizing what he learned from his conversation with rich dad. He used the night to think and plan for his future as what I usually do every night before going to sleep. It was really a torture, to think of what you really want to attain before time catches you up.

Based on the story of the author, I could tell how he feels because I have also seen the pain and the struggle he experienced. My father was laid off on a job that he is working for more than two decades and had to start over again. Not far from his poor dad who have lost a job for almost the same time. Because of that experience, I realized that I cannot depend solely on a job throughout my life because anything can happen.

Upon reading his story, I can relate wholeheartedly on everything that he wanted me to feel. It is as if I was in the same scenario again, watching the struggles of my father in fighting for their rights against their employer. Though there is nothing I can do but only learn from that experience. It never came to me that on that event, I had a change of mindset. I told to myself that I will not waste my life on this world to work for someone else, something that Robert Kiyosaki also decided upon that night.

Because of this short chapter, I was able to connect with the author for having the same experiences and for that reason, I somehow confirmed that my way of thinking is not absurd. From that moment on, someone else supported my idea of turning back on the path of employment. It was indeed a hard decision to take instantly that I still have to prepare myself financially, but I know I would get there in time.

This book really amused me in its simple ways that it lead me to continue on the next pages because I wanted to know if the path that I am looking forward to is the same path that Mr. Robert Kiyosaki also took. I am pleased to know that because we had the same thinking, we have also the same foundations. The very foundation he is mentioning as the title of the chapter that led me to continue reading the next chapter.

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